Slow down. Take notes.

Let’s be honest – the world can be overwhelming. Writing helps me to untangle the mixed messages we all face every day and to uncover inspiration in the mundane.

Journal images are mine, unless credited – feel free to use them, but please mention this site.

All thoughts are my own at the time of writing and no one pays me for content or links.

What’s next?
Liz Amos Liz Amos

What’s next?

Now that my first novel is published, people to tend to ask me: what’s next? The short, honest answer is: I don’t know.

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Burnout and Agnes Martin
Liz Amos Liz Amos

Burnout and Agnes Martin

Like many people, I was more affected by the pandemic than I initially realised.

When I try to notice the start of the healing, I find myself standing with Agnes Martin in the Tate Modern.

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Owning it like Afi
Liz Amos Liz Amos

Owning it like Afi

Navigating other people’s expectations can be tricky.

I learnt a lot from Afi Tekple – the main character in ‘His Only Wife’.

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Websites and wabi sabi
Liz Amos Liz Amos

Websites and wabi sabi

No one warned me that building a website would be soul-work.

I didn’t expect to face crippling perfectionism.

So, the subtitle of this book caught my attention: “Japanese wisdom for a perfectly imperfect life.”

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Identity and Ruth Asawa
Liz Amos Liz Amos

Identity and Ruth Asawa

I’m always on the lookout for elders.

Becoming an adult and becoming a competent human are two different things. I need guidance from people who have gone ahead.

People like Ruth Asawa.

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